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Original Dead Men

Hand Lettering topics: Sign Making, Design, Fabrication, Letterheads, Sign Books.

Moderators: Ron Percell, Mike Jackson, Danny Baronian

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Kim Ross
Posts: 30
Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:10 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Kim Ross »

The life like appearance of your toe requires time and art. And the chemicals come dear. The particulars are in your $ 3,500.00 deductible. You must pay for everything in this world, one way and another. There is nothing free, except the grace of God.
Tony Segale
Posts: 702
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:20 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tony Segale »

That's a lot of money for a policy.
I bet they didn't even pay you a penny for your toe.

By God, if you're gonna pick your feet like a monkey,
you do it downwind.
and he took that golden hair and made a sweater for baby bear.
Tony Segale
Posts: 702
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:20 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tony Segale »

Over 70,000 pure bred sons of brushes viewing the ODM,
and you facing them. Alone.
and he took that golden hair and made a sweater for baby bear.
pat mackle
Posts: 162
Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:35 pm

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by pat mackle »

"It is preferable not to travel with a dead toe." Macklaux
aka: Pat
pat mackle
Posts: 162
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by pat mackle »

I was watching True Grit again last night, and pickin up little incidental tidbits (I've done the same with Deadman). You have to wonder where they get their little qwips and odd sayin's that we all love and like to repeat so much. Especially about "Dick's hatband". Well, in reverse engineering some of them, and thinkin about those early times I began to wonder about "swollen up tighter than Dick's hatband" and the image came to me that that saying may have been based on a cowboy's reference to something experienced in a brothel. What do ya think? Am I right? Am I close? What else could it be?
pat mackle
Posts: 162
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by pat mackle »

Got Insurance??
As if ya know how a purple toe can make ya lose the will ta live , or even wanted to hear about it, the saga of my bashed toe gets another installment today.
After holding out for six weeks, just returned from the cut rate china toe doc, working outta a beat down garage in So. El Monte or "Smell Monte" as the locals call it. After getting prices of $200.00 from "free clinics" to get an X-Ray so I could see for myself the internal damage, I found this guy that would do it for $50.00. (after I arrived they stuck me for $100.00, but I had already made the journey there so...rather than turn the place upside down in a fit) He handed me the X-Ray sayin' "it doesn't look good". I already expected that from many nights of waking up yelling cuss words from a dead sleep from the spontaneous deep stabbin' pain. As I viewed the photo of my toe, the bone looked flat and crushed, much like a run over umbrella with splayed out stays. He added, "it may be infected with a bone infection and all the swelling and that won't be good. I asked him if it would have to be cut off. He said I would next have to get blood work done for signs of infection. What really is distressing is that business is near total dead this year,(an I ain't kiddin neither) just running off my savings and it's goin' fast! I have insurance but the deductible is $3500.00. If I deplete my savings, I lose my insurances anyway, and if business stays the course in this state eventually my shop. I'm thinking it may be quicker an cheaper to fix that toe "True Grit" style. Drive out to the Mojave desert with my 380 semi auto and shoot the dam thing off. I'm gonna miss that sweet a** toe of mine. But at least that way, I'll always remember where my toe is, rollin' around the desert with the tumbleweeds. My insurance is a whole lot of bucks for nothin'. Unless you're dyin'. Obama Care? I ain't buyin' it. Yeah, sure.
Tyler Tim
Posts: 209
Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:12 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tyler Tim »

Wow Pat that is awful... But don't go shooting yourself in the foot... if your luck is like mine you'll miss the toe and take off a good one :shock:. Bolt cutters and slappin' some hot iron would be more Rosterish. All joking aside. Go to the drugstore and pick up a toe splint it will stabilize and offer some protection. Get the blood work done and get a tetanus shot. Here you pay for insurance and can not afford to use it. But your supporting others that can just walk into a ER and whip out that welfare card and get a pregnancy test any day of the week. Somethings wrong with that on so many levels. I hope things get better for you.

Hello!This is Tim's wife. I have never posted this forum and happened into the room to see the picture. I want to urge you to go the Emergency Room and get the blood work performed and go through with the toe being treated surgically in a sterile environment. Right now it appears as if gangrene is setting in and it will turn your blood septic and kill you from the subsequent infection. Right now you risk losing a toe. If you continue to ignore this situation it will cost you a leg and possibly your life. The infection will also go to your heart valve and damage the organ. Same with the kidneys and liver. My mother learned a similar lesson of ignoring a blackened toe and she almost died and did in fact have to be cut twice to remove the leg and then suffered a heart attack. I was not aware of what was going on or would have been able to make her aware of the dangers and the fact that it will NOT get better on it's own. My score on pre-med exams was 98 percent on the national average. I know that you are in a tough spot but you will be able to walk if you take care of this before it gets worse. As you can imagine a prosthetic leg is a challenge best avoided. You can always make money if you have your health and it should always be first. Just deal with the most important thing and that is being as healthy as you can be. Take the antibiotics that will get you safe enough to work on and get the toe taken care of. Don't lose your foot or leg and don't suffer any more. Don't shoot yourself and add lead to your bloodstream and the bacteria from the surroundings especially since the infection is already weakening you. Take Care.
Sure I paint thing for my amusement and then offer them for sale. A brushslinger could whither en die from lack of creativity in this plastic town my horse threw a shoe in. :shock:
Kim Ross
Posts: 30
Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:10 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Kim Ross »

Actually, all joking aside, I think Tim's wife has a valid point. You'll live to have another of Sally's fine steaks at Dead Man and we will all benefit from your continued friendship.
pat mackle
Posts: 162
Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:35 pm

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by pat mackle »

Hi Tim,
I already did the toe splint thing last week. Went to Home depot and bought a 3/4" copper pipe union, machined and formed a nice little toe splint out of it. Wore it for a few days, but it wasn't helping which signaled some significant damage. That is why I got the X-Ray today , cause I could tell something wasn't going right, I usually heal quicker than this.

Hi Tim's wife,
Thank you for all of your spot on concerns. I knew from your first few words that you have medical knowledge. I have countless stories of people ignoring the invasion of bacteria into the blood stream and the deadly consequences such as infection of heart valves. My younger buddy has pig valves, and when they wear out, he is done because they altered the heart so much nothing else can be refitted. I myself have a hip implant which is my "Achilles Heel" for bacterial or staff infection. I take antibiotic Keflex prior to any dental work to avoid infection at the metal implant site.
I should get my blood results by tomorrow. If the antibiotics do their job, and the swelling goes down, then I can find out if surgery is next, or see if it will knit up on it's own. For now I hope I beat any blood infection. Waiting another week probably would have been too long. One thing for sure, normally I would without hesitation drop some money and gone for treatment within the first day(s) following the incident. But being that income this year has dropped off severely( sick understatement), and money for bills comes dear, that fact that I need to second guess spending dwindling savings money for fear of missing a Blue Shield insurance payment for insurance I can't even use borders on insanity, especially when it might mean losing your life to a sneaky septic infection.
Tyler Tim
Posts: 209
Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:12 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tyler Tim »

Well Pat you sound like a fella I could BS to about two of my joys... signs and machining. But you should of went to HomeDepot 6 weeks ago and picked up your union. Milled it and lined it with cotton from the skewing box and wrapped with Duct tape. Cause from your description of x-ray sounds like you splinter the bone. I know home shop guys are resourceful add in the tendency of a signman and have that need to fix it. I've used my share of stir sticks, duct tape and super glue. But as Clint said "A man has to know his limitation".

I hope your blood work comes back with good news and they can lasso you back into shape with some tie wire. If needed maybe we can do a "Save Pat's Piggy" benefit.

Take Care... Tim
Sure I paint thing for my amusement and then offer them for sale. A brushslinger could whither en die from lack of creativity in this plastic town my horse threw a shoe in. :shock:
Kelly Thorson
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Kelly Thorson »

Please take care of yourself Pat, the world needs more like you. Don't mess around with this.
I believe there is no shame in failure. Rather, the shame lies in the loss of all the things that might have been, but for the fear of failure.
Bryce Hutchinson
Posts: 12
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Bryce Hutchinson »

Hi Pat, just a word of support. Sounds like you have the knowledge about your toe, but being between a rock and a hard spot, no pun intended, is pretty rough. I had a golf ball sized lump on my elbow after digging sign post holes in rocky soil. Like you I kept waking up in pain and finding new cuss words. At 3pm I could not stay in bed a minuet longer. ., I says, I'll just lance it myself. I don need no stinken doctors. I do it, opps, white milky liquid came out. Even I knew this might be beyond my expertise. Down to Emergency, turns out I lanced my burcis (sp) sack and the docs said I could have a bone infection because of my expertise. Turns out a I had a bone spur that looked like Aunt Saddies Knitting needle. Moral: as you know, Bone Infection is Nothing to mess with.
I don't know how you will resolve your $$$. but if you ain't got your health you Ain't got nothin.
I wish you the best Brother, and will think good thoughts for You, Bryce
Larry White
Posts: 1213
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

Hello....I'm Dr Bill Blake, your new podiatrist from Cleveland.
I would be pleased to offer a second opinion on that toe of
yours, but I'd have to see that x-ray first. Perhaps you could
post it here for further evaluation.

Dr William Blake
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Bryce Hutchinson
Posts: 12
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Bryce Hutchinson »

Blake! I know that guy. A hot knife and a bottle of cheap whiskey. Beware the High Plains remedy.
pat mackle
Posts: 162
Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:35 pm

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by pat mackle »

Doctors are kind of funny about given' ya your X-Rays. I don't know why. I think they store in a master file on ya, something insurance providers can access to preclude you on "preexisting injuries". An' I ain't foolin' neither!
I will try to take a digital photo of the X-Ray if they allow me, but the image of the break on the film is quite faint even in the best light. You can however tell that the bone is broken and veers off at an odd angle.
The d0ct0r mentioned that I have a unique condition though. Most people have two joints on each toe, as on the fingers of your hand. There is the knuckle, then two joints and then the nail. My toes have the knuckle, but then only one joint. That must go way back in my ancestral lineage of tromping around the muddy bogs of Ireland huntin' up potatoes. The missing joint along with that longer bone probably supported some sort of webbing. Ya think!!?? LOL! As it is, the area where that truck jack impacted was all bone, if I would'a had a joint there, the joint cartilage would be crushed as well. Just lucky I guess.
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

Looks like yer shy a few joints....
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Larry White
Posts: 1213
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

Was workin' on a little job out in the shop...then, "WHACK"...
...da heII was that?... guess it was nothin'...

Then I heard some crackling...like glue chipping...
went over to discover, that since I failed to adequately
rinse out my measuring cup, the leftover glue in it,
had its way with it...ain't no sense on rinsing it out now.....

measuringcup.jpg (89.11 KiB) Viewed 87559 times
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Tyler Tim
Posts: 209
Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:12 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tyler Tim »

Well at least you know your mix is good... :wink:
Sure I paint thing for my amusement and then offer them for sale. A brushslinger could whither en die from lack of creativity in this plastic town my horse threw a shoe in. :shock:
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

A customer of mine hired me to make him some
tombstones for his halloween party! This is what I came up with...

PICT0404.JPG (74.53 KiB) Viewed 87507 times
...and I enjoyed it...

...72,000 pure bread sons of bitches with lettering quills...and Jenco, facing them alone.....
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Larry White
Posts: 1213
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

Last post October 3rd, 2012...boy we sure are slippin'.....

Had a hankerin' to do some building, so Machine now has a Blacksmith shop...


Angus Dunfries' Blacksmith shop, to be specific....he won't talk to ya, ya call him Angus!
HeII of a lot you know...his name's Doc!
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Kim Ross
Posts: 30
Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:10 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Kim Ross »

After a hard day of blacksmithing, I spect a feller would get a hankering for a double scoop of vanilla ice cream with pickled beef tongue topping and wine sauce.
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

I wonder why you get that rumblin’ sound in your stomach
anyway whenever your hungry, Jesus, I wonder what that’s
about, some kinda, the liquids in there just kinda got nothin’
to hold them down, or somethin’ ya figure? -, I sure
could go for somethin’, I know I can’t stop buildin' right now.
I figure, boy I sure could go for a nice plate of Noriega's
potato salad. That would be really, really, really nice about
now. Course ice cream and beef tongue I can’t eat, can’t
touch the darn stuff on account of a fella, name a, name
a, Sally Djenco. Remember that? Little incident back there
at Noriega's man, coverin' his ice cream with beef tongue
and red wine.... Well guess who tried that combo. Ha, ha...
that was me! Yep, pickled beef tongue, on my ice cream,
gagged that sucker down, nearly upchucked my potato
salad! Ya, can’t eat no tongue over ice cream...
but Noriega's potato salad I can always go for.....
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Tony Segale
Posts: 702
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:20 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tony Segale »

the powers of the pickled beef tongue and red wine ice cream gives you sacred visions.

its not for you at this time.
and he took that golden hair and made a sweater for baby bear.
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

Gotta few projects that need buttonin' up...this be one of 'em...


Nice new addition to Machine!

hmmm...interesting reflection, makes the glass look cracked...but it ain't!
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Ron Berlier
Posts: 245
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Ron Berlier »

Larry, what a beautiful tribute to Rick and a nice edition to Machine. Very timely completion of this wonderfulful tribute with the anniversary of Rick's passing just around the corner. Always enjoy seeing your creations :!:
Ron Berlier
Wherever I go, there I am.
Tony Segale
Posts: 702
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:20 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tony Segale »

I like the way you frame, boy!
and he took that golden hair and made a sweater for baby bear.
Tyler Tim
Posts: 209
Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:12 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tyler Tim »

Tony I agree.

Larry is that a 30's 40's foot broad :?:
Sure I paint thing for my amusement and then offer them for sale. A brushslinger could whither en die from lack of creativity in this plastic town my horse threw a shoe in. :shock:
Anthony Bennett
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Anthony Bennett »

Nice work, what does this piece attach to please?
Jerry Berg
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Jerry Berg »

Very nice Larry! Can't wait to see that one.
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