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Original Dead Men

Hand Lettering topics: Sign Making, Design, Fabrication, Letterheads, Sign Books.

Moderators: Ron Percell, Mike Jackson, Danny Baronian

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Roderick Treece
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Roderick Treece »

It's gonna take one hellava big truck to get that town shipped down to Slab City !
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »


A few of us boys had nothin' to do, so we ventured down to the
staked plains of Bakersfield, out at the Bandy Tract...did up this little project
at an impromptu conclave....

Thanks to English Bob for putting together the artwork and screens, and
thanks to Daine for havin' us, and all that runnin' around. Charlie Dickinson
and I rode down together listening to some April Wine and a few too many
Who songs. At least we weren't subject to Uncle Albert, or any Rush!
We stopped in at Harris Ranch on the way back up the 5 freeway.
They got a couple real nice reverse glass signs in there...English, I presume.

Dickinson figured I'd have this buttoned up Wednesday...looks like he's right again....

Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Kim Ross
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Kim Ross »

Spectacular...as usual!
Anthony Bennett
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Anthony Bennett »

Spectacular is an understatement !!
Tony Segale
Posts: 702
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:20 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tony Segale »

Show off. Clown.
and he took that golden hair and made a sweater for baby bear.
Rich Hawthorne
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Rich Hawthorne »

I like your piece a lot Blake. Sweet it is. Where's the Mock though? At least a RIP or somethin'.

Anyway, I painted the image yesterday. I still need to put the shell on the text of "Full Tild". Took a pic in the sun and the colors washed out so I took one in the shop but the gold washes out. Well, you get the idea.

Here is a picture of the original screen. It is quite old, dirty, distressed and loose. The marking on the frame says it is 150 mesh. Somebody dripped emulsion in a few spots. Big issues: it is a negative and so will print a negative image. To correct this, we had to turn a negative into a positive film and then burn a new screen. Lost a little detail but it worked.
This is a print of the original screen on film.
This is a print of the original screen on film.
RBoats-RNeg-w.jpg (43.1 KiB) Viewed 86321 times
I took a picture of my effort in the sun. It showed the gold well but washed out the color.
In the sun
In the sun
Full-Tilt-V11-w.jpg (44 KiB) Viewed 86313 times
Took another picture in the shop:
In the shop
In the shop
Full-Tilt-V1-w.jpg (38.69 KiB) Viewed 86298 times
I like Blake's interpretation. Many people told me they liked the distressed look from the screen. So I left it on the piece.

Gonna make another one and glue chip/gild the date.

English Bob
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

Lookin' good, Rich!

It is hard to take good pictures of this stuff.
Mine looks better in person.
Looks like you added some additional "hard line" detail in the boats.
Look forward to seeing your second run also.

Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »


Well, I decided to go with a bit more of a conservative
frame on this one, truth be told.
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
vance galliher
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Location: springfield, or.

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by vance galliher »

....i like the new frame larry.....the first one was a little too much...
dimensional and glass art signs
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

Now the slappers I can forgive on the basis
of pure "D" stupid.... But YOU!
You otta have enough of this mahl stick took
to your back to lay a lick of sense into that
vinyl consumed maggot mind!

You & your worm-rot brained Dead Man brothers!


Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Tony Segale
Posts: 702
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:20 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tony Segale »

its no good for you now blondie.
if I was in your shoes, yes, I would...
I would tell my half of the secret, after all
what good is the gold if your gone?
and he took that golden hair and made a sweater for baby bear.
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

The best gilder is John Dickinson.
He is a tipless gilder, 23 double X,
and paint mask don’t enter into his thinking.
He loves to pull a squeegee.

Where can I find this, "Dickinson".

Dunfries, I recon....
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »


HEY! Where ya goin'? You forgot the scorecard!



Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Tony Segale
Posts: 702
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:20 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tony Segale »

hey, hey, lookie there! Jenco 14... Blake 13, and Blake got skunked once.
We'll be written up in all the history books! Moses broke his tablets, too, eh?
Looks like a gall durn religious icon.

Blake: I'd like an English Muffin.

Jenco: No sell.

B: it says here...
J: with breakfast!

Dickinson: Jenco, make Blake a muffin.
J: Menu say...
D: make him a muffin!

J: One time!
and he took that golden hair and made a sweater for baby bear.
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

We don't know them boys yer lookin' for.
We're just weary gilders...

Well, the Dead Man gang has come and left...
and all we have now is this little video Ron Percell
put together...

Town of Machine


Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
erik winkler
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Re: Original Dead Men

Post by erik winkler »

There is soooo much to see in machine.
It will take at least a week to gett it all in.
An impressive collection of work and a true master.
Realizing we are in the 2nd renaissance of the arts.
Learn, copy and trying to improve...
Still in the learning phase ;-)
Amsterdam Netherlands
Tony Segale
Posts: 702
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:20 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tony Segale »

Like my brothers of the brush, I'd been various letterhead meets,
and I was good at hand letterin.

But hand letterin didn't allow
for much expansion of the soul.

So after the end of the Gilder's Conclaves in Wilmington
and a year of fighting emotions...

... I turned in my commission and rode away
to see how much I could expand it.

First time I met William Blake
was when I and my Char-Broil...

... backed him up in a showdown
he was having...

... with a motley crue of awnry gilder's from that conclave.

William asked me on the spot
if I'd care to partner up with him...
... and his gatherin on the industrial slab.

Which is why I was with him now,
and why I still carry the Char-Broil.

We'd been feeding those boys together
for the last dozen years or so.

And as we looked down
on a town called Machine...

... I had no reason to doubt
that we'd be doing just that...

... for the foreseeable future.

But life has a way of making the foreseeable
that which never happens...

... and the unforeseeable
that which your life becomes.
and he took that golden hair and made a sweater for baby bear.
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

I figured I'd saved Jenco's career
from a life of vinyl...

... and given him another chance
with hand letterin'.

At least for the foreseeable future.

As for the unforeseeable...
... well, it’s out there waiting for him.

Jenco headed straight into the setting sun
and drove west at an easy pace.
It was gonna be a long day at the gallery...

... and there's no reason to hurry.
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

Button it up!


Finished up this little side project we did in Dunfries.
Thanks to one Mr. Stubby Preston Esq. for the artwork, screen
acquisition, and pullin' the squeegee...under direction of Mr. Dick-in-son,
of course.

Seems everyone learned somethin' in Dunfries...

We had a lively time!

Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

Finished up this little ditty...


Nice antique frame, executed on a really old piece of glass!


Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Tony Segale
Posts: 702
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:20 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Tony Segale »

I see your little ditty...

and raise you one Holy Mountain!
holy mountain gold575.jpg
holy mountain gold575.jpg (311.33 KiB) Viewed 85593 times
and he took that golden hair and made a sweater for baby bear.
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

Nice gildin'!....Very nice gildin'!

Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »


It's a pretty day for some face-up acid embossing!

Don't try this at home folks!

Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
pat mackle
Posts: 162
Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:35 pm

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by pat mackle »

Looks to me like yur havin' a punch party.
What am I seein' here? Red vinyl, red glass, added food coloring, what the heck?
Keep addin' photos as you progress.
Last edited by pat mackle on Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

There is red food coloring added to the acid so I can keep track of where it is.

Rick used to do this, so if you got any on ya, the doctors would know where
to give you the neutrilizing injections....I think I'd just let it ride....

I don't like needles...I mean, I never have.

This project is a bit experimental. I've computer cut the mask with the acid
embossed areas, including a computer cut brightline around them. I acid
embossed it, now I've weeded out the brightline and am going to silver it...
over the mask. I'll back-up the silvering, then pull the mask. If it works,
some people just may confuse it with being screen printed.

You want photos, Mackle!?! ...First I want to see that toe!

Last edited by Larry White on Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
pat mackle
Posts: 162
Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:35 pm

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by pat mackle »

Ha! Needles is nuthin if ya got no skin left, red or otherwise.
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

The toe... :twisted:
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »


Silvering over the mask...


From the front with the mask still on the glass.


I've got my mirroring stuff all kitted up. Pulled it out,
silvered these two pieces, put it back, 30 minutes!
Only way to handle it!

Back it up tomorrow....


Wow! The ODM post is gonna hit 70,000 views shortly...
not bad for a bunch of worm-rot brained Dead Man brothers!
You're always in my heart!
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
pat mackle
Posts: 162
Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:35 pm

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by pat mackle »

Larry White wrote:The toe... :twisted:
OK, you asked for it. The people want it. Now's the time.....

This is the result of dropping a 30lb. hydraulic truck jack from waist height onto my toe- and I was wearing work boots.
The jack landed straight up, wheel edge first right between the nail and knuckle. It creased the leather on the shoe, and duplicated the same imprint in my toe.
The jack was made in China and had a thin steel cover plate snapped over the top. It was dark night out, and I was carrying the jack in one hand and wrenches in the other.
As I grabbed the jack, and backed up from the truck to turn toward the shop, my hand flew up in the air still gripping the thin steel plate as the 30lb missile targeted my toe. If I could have seen it coming, I could have simply moved my foot away- but Nooooo!!
In a nano second my brain tried to imagine what had just happened, I was still holding something metal in my hand, although now much lighter. Then instantly, the jack made it's impact. I fell to my knees as the tumultuous mushroom cloud of intense pain overloaded the inefficient spindly nerve path devised by nature to let you know when you have *#&@+#? yourself up royally.
I continued to do further repairs on my truck, not wanting to take off my shoe to see if my toe looked anything like it felt. So, these photos were taken about three hours after ground zero impact. The swelling is such that I cannot tell yet if I broke it, severed it, or anything. But it is real good at waking me up in the middle of the night with spasms.
The best part is that I pay for health insurance for accidents, but it has a $3500.00 deductible. So, in this bad economy, I can't afford to see an M.D. that might cause me to spend the money I need to make my next insurance payment. If I gamble that payment money on an M.D. now, and can't make my next payment, the policy will lapse, and I will never get another plan due to "pre existing" conditions.
So for now, I have to "self medicate" and soak my foot in hopes the swelling will subside and that the bone will turn out to be undamaged.
"jacked up toe2".jpg
"jacked up toe2".jpg (29 KiB) Viewed 85336 times
"jacked up" toe.jpg
"jacked up" toe.jpg (30.42 KiB) Viewed 85339 times
Larry White
Posts: 1213
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:18 am

Re: Original Dead Men

Post by Larry White »

That's swole up tighter than Dick's hatband!...
They're gonna have to cut it off!
'Course a fella like you don't want to loose his toe....
Larry White
That's enough for now... it's gettin' late
Town Of Machine
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