I know, some of you are lookin for more updates, and , I can understand it. What I don't understand is the hurry.
Last Saturday, 12/13, I spent an hour putting 15 gallons of deisel into the boom, and painted for two hours before having to break for one of those fandangled holiday parties.
I clean up real good, you know.
The painting I did add, was again, from left to right ,moving down the mural in preparation for the wet weather coming.
That rain got here Sunday thru Tuesday. Pretty cold today, might be able to paint from noon to 4pm. Temp will be 40 -45 degrees.
More rain tomorrow and Friday. Window of opportunity Sat and Sun, then I have the equipment picked up next week and close down for the year.
When I return next year, all remaining work will be easy to reach from ladders and planks.
That's enough for now, two young ladies want to take me for sushi before I paint today.
Look, Mr Black, I'm a very busy man and I don't get paid for idle conversation.
Oh, and Armand... I'll get back to you on all the pounce defintions.
Heck, I might even come over and show you.