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David Butler Workshop success story

Hand Lettering topics: Sign Making, Design, Fabrication, Letterheads, Sign Books.

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Site Man
Posts: 573
Joined: Sun Mar 13, 2005 1:03 am
Location: Marlborough, MA

David Butler Workshop success story

Post by Site Man »


Posted by Larry White on December 08, 2002
A few months ago when Tony Segale told me David Butler was coming to California to give his workshop, I thought I best jump on that opportunity. Spending a weekend learning software wasn't high on my list of things to do. But I ignored that thought and went anyway. At least it was going to be with a bunch of sign people friends. So just before the workshop, I ran out and got a notebook computer and the Photoshop software. I loaded it up and off I went.

I have attended quite a few software classes in my day and most of them have been some vague overview of the commands and what they do (and rarely how the commands work together, or how you would actually create something). But David Butler hasn't gone to these. He conducted his workshop by starting a project (I like that) and showed us students how to do it. He showed the commands he uses to create his type of graphic images. It has all been set up so you're successful. This was the first software class that I actually created something and learned how to do it at the same time.

So after the workshop, I thought I better put my new knowledge to work. I had a rough sketch of a Rawson & Evans type storefront sign that I was going to make. I thought it would be a good project to create in Photoshop. So I spent a month working on it and it came out pretty darn nice. Believe it or not, the Friday morning of the workshop was the first time I ever even looked at Photoshop. Thanks to David's excellently formatted workshop, I walked away with the ability to create the logo pictured above. Thanks David! ...and he gave me a notebook and CD so I wouldn't forget anything!

-Larry White

Robin Sharrard
Very nice Larry! I find myself making short trips back to the workbook for that occassional reminder of what I'm supposed to be doing. I also like the new look and functionality of your web site. Now that's inspiration! Robin
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