I hope it's okay for me to take the liberty to let everyone know that Kathy Baronian (Danny Baronian's wife) died in her sleep last Saturday - June 2. She used to attend the Conclaves with Danny until she suffered a stroke. She's been bedridden for many years and Danny has continued to love and care for her since that time.
I spoke with Danny yesterday and I'm sure he would appreciate a call, just to offer condolances. He seems to be doing OK - numb of course - but they've known each other since she was 14, and there's a huge hole in his life now.
Welcome to The Hand Lettering Forum!
This is an interactive Bulletin Board on the topics of Sign making, design, fabrication, History, old Books and of coarse Letterheads, Keepers of the craft. The Hand Lettering Forum features links to resources, sign art history, techniques, and artists profiles. Learn more about Letterheads at https://theletterheads.com. Below you'll see Mchat has been added as a live communication portal for trial, and the Main forum Links are listed below.
This is an interactive Bulletin Board on the topics of Sign making, design, fabrication, History, old Books and of coarse Letterheads, Keepers of the craft. The Hand Lettering Forum features links to resources, sign art history, techniques, and artists profiles. Learn more about Letterheads at https://theletterheads.com. Below you'll see Mchat has been added as a live communication portal for trial, and the Main forum Links are listed below.
Kathy Baronian
Moderators: Ron Percell, Mike Jackson, Danny Baronian
Kathy Baronian
"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne."
Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340 - 1400)
"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne."
Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340 - 1400)